
Physical address:
​6296 Donnelly Plaza
Ratkeville, ​Bahamas.

Category Live Longer

Glass of red wine alcohol

Alcohol and Longevity: A Complex Relationship Backed by Science

Research reveals a complex link between alcohol and longevity. Moderate consumption may offer heart health benefits, but excessive intake poses serious risks like cancer and liver damage. Red wine, beer, tequila, and champagne show potential benefits in moderation, while individual factors and overall health play a crucial role. Although moderate wine consumption is seen in some Blue Zones, it's not universal. Ultimately, responsible drinking and consulting a doctor are key when considering alcohol consumption.
Blue Zone

Blue Zones and Beyond

Blue Zones aren't just locations anymore. Discover the research-backed lifestyle habits that can help you live longer and healthier, enhanced by modern tools and knowledge, no matter where you call home.
coffee smile

Why I Always Use a Paper Filter for My Coffee: A Heart-Healthy Habit

Are you a coffee lover concerned about your heart health? Discover why using a paper filter for your daily brew could be the key to protecting your heart and enjoying a delicious, worry-free cup of coffee. This article explores the surprising link between unfiltered coffee and cholesterol, and how paper filters offer a simple, effective solution.